Monday, June 28, 2010

Alright With Me

It would seem that ever since I set this blog up, I've had absolutely nothing to blog about!  Go figure.  So... I thought I'd give you all a quick update just to say hi.  Lots of people have asked if I've heard anymore from crazy, weirdo baseball guy and the answer to that is (thankfully) no!  Kicking strange individuals off your MySpace/Facebook page is utterly liberating.  I highly recommend it.

Went to Ohio a couple of weeks ago with my friend Chad to help him out with a barrel racing clinic.  The days were long and nights were short but we survived both the 2-day one-way trip without wanting to kill each other. 

Oh, I've also decided that I'm never getting married.  What led to this life-changing decision you ask?  The fact that I watched my parents move in a new fridge and stove yesterday.  Hello insanity!  I'm pretty sure I don't ever want any part of that craziness.  No thank you!  But congrats to my girl TamiG on getting engaged and the fast-approaching wedding.  Much love to you sweets!

A random tidbit of nothingness: I to speak insurance companies all day at work and last week, when I realized I had said "E, as in Edward" 5 times in a row, I panicked slightly thinking I sounded like a huge Twilight geek (and yeah, I've already got my tickets for Eclipse this weekend... don't judge me!).  But today, I found someone worse than me.  Whatever claim number she was giving me apparently had the letters "E" and "J" next to each other and as she is reading the number she says "E, as in Edward. J, as in Jacob."  Hahahahahaha!  I was this close to asking her if she was a Twilight freak, but I refrained as I was actually trying to be professional.  Still, even I don't say "J, as in Jacob."  :)

Hopefully I'll have some exciting news about singing to share with you all soon, but it's best not to put the cart in front of the horse, right? 

I love comments like a fat kid loves cake... ok, like I love cake!