You may have noticed that a lot of my blog titles are actually song titles that I ganked because they seemed to fit whatever mood I'm in, or whatever I'm inclined to blog about at any given time. Today's title is no different. Saturday I'll be heading to Portsmouth, Ohio for my first singing gig in, oh, I don't know how long. It's been literally four years as best as I recall. Not that I haven't been known to get my karaoke on after a few drinks (Who am I kidding? I'm a microphone whore; I'll karaoke stone sober...). Also thanks to some awesome friends who play (Lee Harvey & the Ministers of Death) I'll occasionally rock a mic if I'm out while they're playing.
Which brings me to Saturday... this will be an "opry" style show, with the house band doing a few songs & I'm the featured guest. I'll sing five to seven songs with a fun wardrobe change during intermission. Am I nervous? Nah. I know I can sing, I know I can perform (although I have been known to forget the words once or twice) & I know when I'm on the stage, I'll feel like I'm the queen of the world. I'll even be all professional, not eating any dairy products the day of the show & refrain from doing that "ahem" thing to clear my throat. So, nervous? Nope. Excited? HELL YEAH! Getting ready for this show has made me realize how much I've missed singing.
There are a few things I still need to do to be spot-on Saturday night:
Practice, practice, practice
Get a second outfit together
Find one of the largest bags I own & stuff it full with every tube of make-up, styling product, accessories, etc that I own
Charge the video camera so I can prove I was there
Lots to do, but it'll get done. Fingers are crossed for a safe trip, a good show & hopefully a return spot on the Southern Ohio Opry.
If I was closer, I would go check that out, but it's a 5 hour drive for me.LOL